Why did Jesus wash the disciple's feet?
At the Last Supper, Jesus demonstrated his greatest act of servant leadership. He and his 12 disciples had just finished eating when Jesus, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, knelt down at the feet of each of them and washed their feet, drying them with the towel. This overwhelming gesture made a lasting impression on the disciples, not only because it expressed pure love, but by washing their feet, Jesus laid the foundation for true servant leadership; one that has become the model for Christians today.In those days, all roads to Jerusalem and those within the city were dry and dusty. Since most travel consisted of walking, feet were often the dirtiest part of the body. Because it was considered a lowly task, the ritual of foot washing was usually performed by a household servant. On occasion, the host would wash a guest's feet, but only if the guest was a close friend and of equal social status. But more commonly, water would be offered for guests to wash their own feet upon entering a home.
I wonder what Jesus what was going through Jesus' mind when he got to Judas? Knowing that this man would betray him for 30 pieces of silver.
Just A Sec.....
Most of of us, well at least me, when I got to Judas I would have broken his foot off and fed it to the dogs, or placed it only where only surgery could retrieve it... and this is why I am not Jesus.
Think about it... if you know that someday someone would betray you... and by betray I mean; lead you to be arrested, beaten, flesh ripped from bone, tormented, spat upon, bullied, made to carry heavy wooden cross that you would eventually be nailed to... NAILED TO... kinda betrayal
Could you wash their feet?
I am not sure I am that strong.
I think there is a tremendous lesson on Love here... even though Jesus knew what his fate was to be, and all the players that where involved. He chose to show Love by doing one of the lowliest tasks that a person could do.
I am not necessarily saying you should wash the feet of your enemies but, if you look at the bigger picture, the symbolism behind Jesus washing his disciples feet, even Judas'...
Jesus showed us that we should love everyone.
Have you washed any feet recently?
Love You
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